How to use our website
These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) describe and regulate the relationship between visitors to the website and the organization behind it.
Leticia Ltd. is a website providing online commerce and service. The site is owned by Leticia Ltd., a company registered under the Commercial Law of the Republic of Bulgaria and entered in the Commercial Register with the UIC respectively: BG111020701, referred to as “Company”.
For the complete clarity of these GTC, “User” means any visitors to the page, regardless of whether they fall under the definition of “user” within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and whether they are registered, represent legal entities , individuals or are Clients within the meaning of these GTC.
Under “Client” in these GTC we will accept any User, natural or legal person who sends an inquiry through the site.
The Company reserve the right to change their General Terms and Conditions, and the changes take effect immediately after they are updated at the address of the page. Users should check for changes in the General Terms and Conditions, and the Company are not obliged to inform them otherwise about changes, unless such obligations arise for the Company from the CPA and / or other Bulgarian legislation or international treaties that are applicable to of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Basic provisions of these general conditions: is a website providing online commerce and service. The services provided by the Company are diverse and can be dynamically supplemented and modified with a view to their improvement and expansion. services and how to use them:
The site provides the opportunity to register for a newsletter, send inquiries. Using the site itself is completely free.
Responsibilities of the parties:
The Company is not liable to the Users, the Clients or third parties in the following situations:
Force majeure circumstances leading to cancellation, postponement, change of inquiry sent to The Company does not guarantee that the access to the website will be uninterrupted, timely, secure and free from errors, as far as this is beyond the capabilities, control and will of the Company.
The Company is not responsible for not providing access to, as well as for non-processing or untimely processing of registration applications, in circumstances beyond its control – cases of force majeure, accidental events, problems with Internet providers, problems in the global network Internet and in the provision of services outside the control of the Company.
The Company is not responsible for non-provision of services in case of circumstances beyond their control – cases of force majeure, accidental events, problems in the global Internet and in the provision of services outside the control of the Company, as well as in case of unauthorized access or intervention of third parties. persons in the operation of the information system or server.
When using the website, the Client undertakes:
To indicate correct data: name, surname, name of the legal entity (if applicable), UIC (if applicable), valid e-mail, contact telephone number and other data necessary for the provision of a service by the Company;
Not to provide false or invalid requests or other false information.
When using the site the Client has the right to:
To receive a newsletter during a period determined by the Company; to receive answers to specific inquiries, to contact the organizers through the contact information filled in on the site.